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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the fifty-first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Proprietors of Owāhanga Station T/A Aohanga Incorporation will be held on Saturday 2 November 2024 at The Hub, Dannevirke (23 Gordon Street, Dannevirke), commencing at 9.30am.

Registrations commence at 9.00am
Pōwhiri / Whakatau at 9.30am
Hui commences at 10.00am
Hākari at 1.00pm

Agenda of Business
1. Mihi

2. Apologies

3. Confirmation of Minutes of the AGM dated 16 December 2023

4. Receive and approve Recommendations and Special Resolutions for:
a. Auditor
b. Share Valuer
c. Distributions
i. Kaumatua allowance
ii. Travel allowance
d. Funds set aside for charitable purposes.

5. Read, consider and approve
a. Chairperson’s Report
b. Annual Financial Report
c. General Manager’s Report

6. Elections for Commitee of Management:
a. Motion of vote methodology – poll vote/show of hands
b. Motion for voting papers to be held for two months then destroyed
c. Motion for online and postal voting moving forward

7. General business:
a. Motion for approval of Mitchell Notley Report
b. Shareholder Complaint re: 2023 AGM – Tirahaere Carroll / Ninihi Wirihana-Wilson
c. Removal of Committee of Management Member – Wright Broughton

8. Announce successful candidates

9. Close meeting

Dated 24 September 2024
Demetrius Potangaroa, Chairperson
Aohanga Incorporation


Please email [email protected]


All nominations must be in the hands of the Returning Officer by that time.  If you are intending to stand for election, you still have just over one week to submit your nomination.

The previous nomination form incorrectly stated that completed nominations must be received no later than 5.00pm, 11 October 2024.

Please click on the link below to download the amended Nomination form with the correct closing date Tuesday, 22nd October 2024.


Aohanga Incorporation Nomination for Committee of Management 3 Positions – AohangaInc-Nomination-2024-FINAL

Three Committee of Management Members vacancies will be applicable at the upcoming AGM.

Robin Potangaroa, Paul Te Huki and Charles Morunga vacate their positions by rotation and are putting themselves forward for re-election.

Nomination forms need to be submitted, to be received by Election Services by 5pm, Tuesday 22 October 2024.

Returning Officer, Aohanga Incorporation
Election Services
PO Box 5135
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Email: [email protected]

Aohanga Incorporation Proxy Form 2024 – ProxyForm-Aohanga-2024-FINAL

If you are unable to attend the AGM, you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf.

Completed proxy forms need to be submitted, to be received by Election Services by 5pm, Wednesday 30 October 2024.

Returning Officer, Aohanga Incorporation
Election Services
PO Box 5135
Victoria Street West
Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Email: [email protected]

Travel and Kaumatua Grant Form – TravelKaumatuaForm-Aohanga-2024

To be eligible you MUST attend the AGM

If you are attending the AGM, you can fill out the relevant details in the AGM Travel and Kaumatua Grant form – and post it in the box at the AGM.

Otherwise, these need to be submitted to the Registered Office (as detailed below) by COB, Monday 11 November 2024.

Deloitte – Attn: Aohanga Incorporation Enquiries
Level 12, 20 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Email: [email protected]


• Election Services has been engaged as the Returning Officer.
• A 2024 AGM booklet will be available to collect at the AGM, and an electronic copy will also be uploaded to the website: prior to the AGM.
• 2023 AGM Minutes will not be read out in full at this year’s AGM.
• Unless a vote on shareholding is demanded, voting at a Meeting of Shareholders is to be by show of hands.
• A vote on shareholding (poll vote) may be demanded either before or after a show of hands is taken on a resolution by:
(a) not less than 5 persons present in person at the meeting and having the right to vote at the meeting;
(b) a person or persons entitled to exercise not less than one-tenth of the total
votes of those present in person or by proxy at the meeting.

If you have any further questions, please contact Election Services at:
[email protected]


Nāku iti noa, nā,

Committee of Management
Aohanga Incorporation