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Our Committee of Management

Demetrius Potangaroa
MACA Takutai Moana Claimant
Aohanga Incorporation CoM Profile 2024 – Demetrius Potangaroa


Robin Potangaroa

Aohanga Incorporation CoM Profile 2024 – Robin Potangaroa


Paul Te Huki

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Charles Morunga
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Regan Potangaroa

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Wright Broughton

Pāpāuma Marae Trustees Representative


Ross Wright

Pāpāuma Marae Trustees Representative

Owāhanga Station

David Strong

Station Manager

Deloitte – Accountants

Carli Ebbett

Director | Business Advisory

Brooke Sweeney 

Consultant | Business Advisory

Lee Gray

Lead Partner – Hourua Pae Rau

CoM Secretarial Support

Candy Carroll

Committee of Management past & present

At a sitting of the Court, held at Wellington on the 2nd April 1973, before Andrew Graham Todd Esquire, Chief Judge, pursuant to section 52 sub-section (1) of the Māori Affairs Amendment Act 1967

Goldie Potangaroa (Chairperson),

George Evans (Vice – Chairperson),

Joseph Akuhata-Brown,

Matai Broughton,

Paul Douglas,

Henry (Dubby) Power

Tunuirangi Rupuha

were appointed as the first Committee of Management of the Aohanga Incorporation.

Click on the link below to view the  1973 – 2023 list of Committee of Management members.

Aohanga Inc Committee of Management 1973 – 2023