Haere mai ki te pae tukutuku whakahoungia, o tēnei o tātau mai te Komiti o te Kaporeihana Māori o Aohanga.
Heoi āno, ahakoa kua whakatuwheratia tēnei pae tukutuku nō nā noa nei he nui tonu ngā mahi hei mahi i tēnei mokowhiti.
Otirā, kei a koutou e ngā Kaiwhaipaanga mē te whanau whānui ō te teihana ō Owāhanga, īmēra mai ō koutou korero ō mua me ō koutou korero ā whanau I tipu ake, me ā koutou whakaahua hoki ki te whakawhanaunga ki konei.
Nā reira, nau mai, nau mai, haere mai!
On behalf of the Committee of Management of the Aohanga Incorporation, Pāpāuma Marae Trustees, we welcome you to our webpage, though there is much more work to be done.
We invite our Shareholders and Whanau of Owāhanga Station to submit any historical articles and/or photos to share on our new website by email. [email protected]